Project Default Filters and Archive within Project

Is there any way to set a default filter for Projects or per Project, specifically by Done or timeframe?

Is there a way to Archive notes from a search in a project without archiving the project?

My work around is to create a new Project with the filter and then archive it, but figured I’d ask.

Thanks folks.

Is there any way to set a default filter for Projects or per Project, specifically by Done or timeframe?

Not at the moment alas, something we’re looking into indeed. The alternative would be to create a search like “\project(some project) AND \done”, which you could even save as an overview if needed.

Is there a way to Archive notes from a search in a project without archiving the project? My work around is to create a new Project with the filter and then archive it, but figured I’d ask.

The way I would do it is the other way around:

  1. make a new project with the same title as the other one but appending “Archived”
  2. go back to the project containing still all the notes and do the search above
  3. use Edit > Select All to select all notes
  4. drag the notes to the new project made at the first step (or use Note > Move To)
  5. now archive the new project
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