Print as PDF does still show watermark

Hello. I also upgraded to premium today, and tried to Export some of my notes to PDF. Disabeling the watermark for me works only using the Print Dialog. But when I use File Menu -> Export -> PDF File, I still have the watermark after each page. The same happens when I am using PDF over the „Share“ menu. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!


Hmm, that’s not supposed to happen, we’ll investigate and fix it in the next update.

I can confirm that this happens for me, too, and I also have Premium.

I can confirm that this happens for me, too, and I also have Premium.

I had a look at this and think it might be a preference issue. Could you check if it works as should if you run the following command in

defaults delete com.momenta.agenda.macos hideAgendaAd

Make sure you use version 1.3 of Agenda.

A quick update, I’ve found the cause of the issue and it should work properly in the next beta/release.

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Thanks @mekentosj for the update. I’m a paid user and I also see the footer on each page, inviting to get Agenda for free at BTW, running the terminal command tells me that: “Domain (com.momenta.agenda.macos) not found.”, even though my version is 1.3 downloaded from the Mac App Store. So… I’ll wait for the next release. :wink:

Thanks for the follow up, good news is that we’ve found the underlying cause, it should be fixed in the next beta/update.

This issue should be fixed in the 1.4 update, thanks for reporting it and helping us fix it!

I’ve just downloaded 1.4 from the AppStore, and I’m still seeing the footer:

Made with Agenda. Get it for free at

Try running the following terminal command after quitting Agenda:

defaults delete com.momenta.agenda.macos hideAgendaAd

This is probably a leftover from the attempts to make it hide in previous versions.

That fixed it - thanks!

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