People page, focus mode, folding toggles

I am absolutely obsessed with Agenda now. I’ve been using Obsidian for a while, but mobile was just not good. Craft is much better, but they seem more collaboration focused (and they limit you to 175,000 blocks total even for the paid tier) and decided to give Agenda a shot again and I’m loving it.

I have a few requests.

People Page - I love that I can tag people, but I would love to be able to go to a contact page and see all the related notes (backlinks) that I have tagged them in. It almost seems more beneficial to make a page for someone and then just link to that page because I can easily see all the related notes.

Focus Mode - I would love, if there isn’t already a way to do this, to have a focus mode. I want to be able to have one note with no distractions. That also means no notecard style border around it. Just full page writing iA Writer style-ish.

Toggles - This isn’t the biggest thing in the world, but I would love to have a Toggle option to be able to put some text inside of it to collapse. This makes longer notes seem more manageable.

That’s all I can think of right now. I’m loving the app and love all the updates!


Brilliant to hear you like Agenda so much Joseph!

You can do this from the people manager, from which you can then create a smartoverview if you like, as shown here:

Focus Mode - I would love, if there isn’t already a way to do this, to have a focus mode. I want to be able to have one note with no distractions. That also means no notecard style border around it. Just full page writing iA Writer style-ish.

Also this is possible already, see this video:

This is indeed something we’d like to make possible in the future, stay tuned!

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I totally missed that full screen trick! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

But as for the people page thing, I saw that video where I can save a search for a person, but what if I have mentioned 30+ people? Am I going to have 30+ Overviews? That’s where in Obsidian I would have a note with the person’s name and then whenever I mention them I link to the page with their name. I could then look at the backlinks and see all the places I mentioned them.

I can make a note in Agenda with someone’s name and then link to that as well. And the notes show up in the Related Notes section which is great. So I could just do that, but I really love the visual aesthetic of tagging someone.

It’s not the end of the world. I can always just do a search to easily see where I mentioned someone, but it would be awesome if each person had a contact card looking thing with all the related notes shown.

Thanks for the reply! I am really loving the app a lot. Sending a checklist to Reminders is insanely amazing.