Pandoc filter for Agenda Tag and People tokens

Demo.agenda (1.7 KB)
agenda-tag-people.txt (3.9 KB)
Demo.pdf (20.9 KB)

I’m wondering if it is appropriate to put it here, but really would like to share my pandoc filter (written in python and panflute) to transfer the Agenda tag and people tokens in the exported markdown file to Bootstrap-badge span, such that they can be rendered by BS CSS when creating my own PDF (through HTML. although I would like also to tex, it depends on how you define the BS-badge-like item in LaTeX)

The python script (with txt extension, though), the demonstration agenda project and my tested PDF output are attached.

My current workflow in Agenda: create and order (STEM) notes and todos in agenda, export the project or overview notes to markdown and transfer to PDF for sharing and faster review.

I got to love markdown writing when I was first acquianted with it. Also I have got to love Agenda with its nice combination of project with timeline, calenda links, etc. But by now the PDF generated by Agenda does not fully meet my needs, such as the math equations. The support to them might appear later (thanks to the developers) but would not support custom math commands (which may need a full LaTeX). Therefore I rely more on the markdown source, which is more tinkerable than the PDF. And naturally, turn to pandoc for customizable PDF export.

To summary, the main point of the thread is to make the friendly developers pay more attention to creating better (markdow) text edit enviroment and markdown exporter :stuck_out_tongue: For the later, to be more specific:

  1. Would there be some way to tell Agenda to export some project to markdown by AppleScript, such that I can automate the process of project exportation.
  2. For now, as I only use external links instead of attachments, the links to files in the markdown are ok, but this may change in the future. Can the attachments be also exported to the place where the exported markdown is? This only works for rich text, but hope to add it for markdown.

Thanks a lot!

Nice! Thanks for sharing!

  1. Would there be some way to tell Agenda to export some project to markdown by AppleScript, such that I can automate the process of project exportation.

Not at the moment, we’ll think about that. Perhaps more likely is that we add support for export through x-callback-urls

  1. For now, as I only use external links instead of attachments, the links to files in the markdown are ok, but this may change in the future. Can the attachments be also exported to the place where the exported markdown is? This only works for rich text, but hope to add it for markdown.

We’ll have to think about how that would work, thanks for the suggestion.