Overview of unchecked checkboxes

Hello all,

I appreciate that this is an old (almost ancient!) post, but I was just wondering if this was ever implemented - I can’t seem to see it in the UI if it was!
It would be really neat to have a Smart Overview of all unchcked checkboxes.

The only workaround I’ve managed to come up with, is not ticking a note as complete until all checklists are complete in case anyone is looking for workarounds.

Not yet, but it is high on our list to completely overhaul search and filtering, including whether just unchecked boxes are shown. Is something we would really like to do. Hope it won’t be too long.

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I think we are still waiting for this feature?

Yes, it’s one of the things we’ll focus on in the next few bigger updates.

I’m looking forward to it, it’s the feature I miss the most.