Option to create new note into default project

Being able to create a new note by default into a project (e.g. an “Inbox”) would be an easy way to create quick notes on the fly, and organize them later.

Speed to note ftw!


This is certainly in our roadmap. Stay tuned!

Is there an update on this?

It’s very frustrating to click multiple times on an action that I need to do so frequently every day.


If you have an inbox project already, then selecting it first in the sidebar followed by cmd-N will directly create a new note in it.

Thanks. It does work if I am inside the inbox project.

But if I’m in a saved search or today or On My Agenda, it’s a real hassle (and also impossible to do using only the keyboard on the iPad).

When you you create a new document in Pages or Bear or Sublime Text or Microsoft Word or Apple Notes (from the widget or control center), it instantly creates a document for you to start writing - the location where you choose to put the note is always the final step.

Writing is often instantaneous - if I have a thought, I need to be able to put it down immediately.

Imagine if all of these above tools forced people to save a location before they could start writing.

Ah ok, that’s indeed a slightly different use case, as @drewmccormack mentions, we have some exciting things coming later this year that you’ll like for sure…


Thanks. Would love if I can somehow create a new note instantly when in On My Agenda/Todo/Search view, and not have to leave that view.

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Did this ever happen? I’m trying Agenda again after a long absence - and hoping this was sorted. I can create a ‘bin’ or ‘inbox’ or whatever - but I have to select it every time, can I set it as default to save the step?

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You can create notes in On the Agenda etc, but you have choose the destination project you want them to go into.

Alternative is to directly select the project in the sidebar.

We don’t have any default for this, though if you use the sharing extension to add notes from other apps, it does remember which note you used last, and so that can be a shortcut to a particular project.

Note also the “recently edited” notes in the right panel. Often important notes appear there for quickly going to them. And you can go back again using the history arrows at the bottom on the left.

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Ah thanks. It’s not just the speed for me - it’s the inspiration - if I have an idea I want to get it down as it’s forming, being asked which project it suits, when the idea isn’t fully together and doesn’t yet have a natural home is really distracting… As you say - I guess I can select a project first - but it seems the wrong way around for me.

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Yes, when inspiration strikes I’d really like to write first and then decide where it belongs.

As a sort of workaround, in some active projects I create a note called Jottings with the hashtag #jottings. I have a saved search on Jottings. When inspiration strikes and I want to get an idea down quickly, I go to the saved search, select the Jottings note for the relevant project, and write directly in the Jottings note. Later when I’m working on the project I create a new note or move the text to an existing note.

I have a Jottings note for “projects” like “blog ideas”, and for new training programme - the kind of thing where I’m turning ideas over in my mind when walking etc.

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I guess if we add the ability to use a particular note for a widget, that could work as a fast navigation to a particular note.

We also have another project plan that falls more in the line of making short term notes that don’t belong to a particular project. So the use case is on our radar.


This appears to be a relatively old thread, so what I’m adding here may have been discussed elsewhere. As a relatively new user, I’ve encountered the same challenge: having a quick default location for new notes.

Creating a “Misc” category seems to default to the top of the category list, just under the Trash. After creating that, I added an @Inbox project.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 11.09.10 AM

Now when I create a new note, the selection list has “@inbox” at the top of the list, making it quick to select that as the location for the new note.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 11.01.34 AM

This works of both macOS and iOS. (Using Agenda 17.0.2)


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Great tip, thanks for sharing!