OneNote import

It would be awesome to have OneNote import feature to make switch to Agenda feasible / easier.


We hope to bring more importers in the future, what formats allows OneNote exporting to?

OneNote doesn’t have an export function. It would be necessary to import the OneNote files to Agenda. OneNote file extension is .one for those saved on a local drive, not sure if it is different when on OneDrive.

Thanks, we’ll have a look at this format.

Hi Mekentosj,

any progress on this OneNote import functionality?


We don’t have any more news other than that we’re still checking what the technical options are at this point.

This would be awesome. I have hundreds of OneNote notes pages, but Agenda is such a ‘pretty’ app / UI, that if I could just pull all my OneNote notebooks into Agenda, I would love it, and it would definitely justify premium pricing!


I know this has been a topic for a few years - but I am asking again… Please make it possible to copy OneNote into Agenda. I’ve used OneNote for more years than I can remember and have a huge amount of notebooks on it. It makes it hard becaue even though I can make a new project in Agenda and copy everything over page by page that is horribly time-consuming and quite honestly I don’t have time to do that. So then I go back to OneNote instead of utilizing what Agenda has to offer - and Agenda is my preference - if you can figure out how I can move all my stuff over! Please Help! Thanks


Does OneNote allow to export to a standard format? Or does it have AppleScript or x-url-callback support?

There is not any export features in OneNote - What I have tried is to copy & paste. All formatting is lost and because of the huge number of notebooks I have with even more sections and then pages it is virtually impossible. The copy & paste would work if I only had 1 or 2 notebooks, but I literally have 72 notebooks!