On the Agenda view in chronological order

Hm… Ok, I don’t like this at all. When I click “On the Agenda” I am not seeing a reverse chronological view. I’m seeing a project-based view. I have a lot of projects, so in order to see what I worked on in reverse order (from now), I’d have to scroll across every project. Oh dear, that’s not going to work.

I think “On the Agenda” should truly be event-based, in reverse chron order… not ordered by project. Or give us an option, but please let me view simply in reverse chron order of everything I have been working on. Otherwise it’s just not going to work for me… too much scrolling. Really seems counter to the basic premise of a time-based orientation.


An ungrouped view mode for the overviews has indeed been a frequent request, we have it on our list.

This feature would probably benefit from allowing projects to be given different colours: view every note chronologically and have a visual hint as to which project each note belongs to.

One thing that I have discovered over time is that, for me, On the Agenda works best when I restrict it to very few notes. Just the ones that I am really dealing with today or the next few days. I typically have less than 5 in there. At that scale, the On the Agenda overview is much more useful. It really is a shortcut to the important stuff.

As @mekentosj said, we are looking at some order control, but I think this will remain true: On the Agenda is most effective when you aggressively take things off the agenda.


I’ve discovered this too! On the Agenda is for stuff I’m actively working on today. It’s the equivalent of taking the physical notes and files I need today out off the shelves and laying them on my desk. When I’ve finished with them, I’ll put them away.

I find it’s really helpful as a mental tool, letting me see what I’m going to work on today.

Also, the fact I have to manually add notes to the Agenda is great. I decided what I’m working on when I plan my day - not some computer programme based on due dates etc. I use searches to see what’s coming up and them I decide what I’ll do. (I find the automation of Things counter productive sometimes - If I don’t actively manage it, all these tasks appear in Today and I’m psychologically overwhelmed.)

Incidentally, I use a pencil and paper notebook alongside Agenda. I write a To Do list each morning - this includes stuff that doesn’t need an Agenda Note, eg call X back, make dentists appointment.

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I just want to second this request.

Me too. Is this still on the radar? In addition to implementing this in the On The Agenda view, I’d love to be able to do the same in a search:

  1. be able to ungroup projects in a search,
  2. choose chronological and reverse chronological order
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Right-on Drew. A bit late here but I agree. Steve Jobs used to say something similar; stay focused on just a few things at one time, and say not to much more than you say yes to. It hurts, but it makes you better at what you do.

Yes, this is still on the radar, no ETA yet though.

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I’d also like to have some control over the order of things in On the Agenda - I can’t even discern what drives the order things are showing up now…seems almost random…?

It follows the order of the projects in the sidebar (as the notes are grouped by project), and within the group the follow the setting of the project (i.e. earliest first or latest first). In the next update or the one after we hope to bring more options for sorting and grouping of projects.