On the Agenda Sort Order

+1 for this feature

Manual sort within On the Agenda would be best so that I can order notes with respect to urgency and/or when I plan to tackle them during the day.

Thanks for all your hard work on the app, btw. Agenda is magnetically drawing me in and it looks like it’s going to be my new life-organizer. I’m a premium user as of yesterday.

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Still a wishin’ anda hopin’ for the custom sort/ungrouped option for On the Agenda. Appreciate all the work you’ve been doing elsewhere too!

Yup, still very much near the top of the list.

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Is this still being worked on? This would be tremendously helpful for me to have a section of the app that ignores stuff from the past and projects, and just shows me what I have to do to meet deadlines and such like a regular agenda.

Call it a “To-Do” section if you want.

I’d still have the project views for when I need to view it all in one coherent timeline (past present and future) for each project, but it’s difficult to figure out what to work on next when it’s ordered by project then time instead of just by time. I’m never working on one project at a time.

Yes, still in the works.

I would love to see a sort order for ‘On the Agenda’
I often let things slide and lose track of a note if it becomes overdue.
You guys are amazing with all the improvements you have made in the few months I’ve been a premium member, which was when I signed up.
Really looking forward to what the future beholds!


Putting a +1 on this since high priority notes are getting lost due to their sort being by project name. It’s especially confusing when there are 30+ projects with multiple sub-categories.

+1 again to bump this up.

Specifically, my work flow is to sit down on a Friday afternoon and use the Calendar to filter to meetings happening in the next 7 days. From there, I create new notes attached to relevant meetings coming up, adding in topics I want to cover and copying over items from previous meetings.

Then, each morning I like to open Agenda, go to On the Agenda and see what’s next. I’d love this to simply be a list of meetings in chronological order with the next meeting at the top, regardless of project or category.


I started using Agenda.
Then I stopped, purely because of the sort order.

Note that you can change the sort order of a project by tapping/clicking the project title:

Thank you!
I wasn’t aware you could sort by due date, I will have another look now! :smiley:

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My issue remains, I would like to see “On the Agenda” being able to sort by due date.
Everything else is fabulous and you guys are so responsive, love your community as well.


Yes, a single, ungrouped, sortable On the Agenda view as an alternative to the current grouped mode is still something we’d like to bring.


Happy New Year Agenda Team!

As a work around, you already have the “Today” view listed in Overview under “On the Agenda”, what if you could add a Yesterday or overdue filter/view? That would definitely work for me.

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Totally agree. I see this as being critical to getting the most from Agenda. My workflow is to open Agenda on a Sunday, filter the calendar to see next week and then add notes to each meeting I have.

Every morning through the week, I want to be able to view ‘On the Agenda’ and see every note I have relating to that day, starting with the first one of the day (say 9am) and then going up in time from there.

It’s disruptive to go through one project, then back to the start of the day to see notes for another project and so on.

If I want to see notes for a project, I’ll select that particular project to see everything in order there. Please please please add this functionality. It would be AMAZING.

Well the good thing is that you can do exactly that already, simply use the calendar filter (click/tap the loupe icon that reveals the search field), then select yesterday’s date.

Then save this search (requires the premium features) and choose the option to make it a relative date. You now have the same overview as “Today” but then for “Yesterday”, also works for Tomorrow, the next X days, etc.

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Oh my!
I love this! :smiley:

Thank you mekentosj

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I would also like this feature.

Hi just checking in. I see the custom sidebar ordering is here, but it’s been over two years since this post and I am not seeing a way to display the “On The Agenda” notes by date. The “On The Agenda” page feels more like a “All Projects”/“On The Sidebar” page. The filter by this week is the only helpful tool to this end.

Thank you!

Getting closer but not yet at the top of the list…