Now available: Agenda 13.1 with enhanced Today overview and performance improvements

Giving Agenda a second boost

Last month we launched Agenda 13.0 with the new Open Quickly premium feature, improved Keyboard Navigation, Split & Merge, and much much more. As with all major updates – where the focus is on adding new and exciting features – there’s always some clean up to do and some bugs to fix. And although not jam-packed with big features, it always feels good to take some time to get this extra bit of polish out. This is exactly what Agenda 13.1 is about, now available from and the App Stores.

Beyond Today

Despite being focused on performance improvements (those with larger libraries should notice a tremendous speed up!) and bug fixes, we did manage to squeeze a few nice new features. Most important of which is that the Today overview has now become a lot more powerful: it now allows you to “step” through your calendar in the future to next, or the past to previous days. You can even use the calendar to select day ranges like the current week and step through time by weeks at a time.

Nothing Left Unchecked

As we explained in our recent YouTube video, the underlying thought in Agenda is that your notes are not static but evolve over time. This is why in Agenda 13 we added the option to split your notes, extract selected text to a new note, or merge notes for example (as shown in practice in this video).
In Agenda 13.1, we add to this the option to move unchecked items in a checklist to a new note with a single click. Undiscussed agenda items after a meeting? Things to buy that were out of stock? Or work that didn’t get finished this time around? With one click you move them to new note so you’re sure you don’t forget them at the next chance.

Bonus Content

And there is more. We added some other niceties like support for week numbers, table edit actions in the contextual menu, improvements to x-callback-url support, and whole range of other improvements and fixes

We think together these improvements make Agenda 13 shine even more. We hope you like it and we’d love to hear what you think!

Alex & Drew

Ps. The complete release notes of Agenda 13.1 can be found here

Pps. If you have missed everything introduced in Agenda 13, here’s a recap on our YouTube channel:


I love the ability to step through days on the Today view, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to return back to “Today” on the iPhone without manually tapping through the arrows. On the Mac app there is a dot that lets me jump back, but I can’t find a similar function on the iOS app. Am I missing something here, or has this not been implemented yet?

On iPhone there’s unfortunately very limited space which means we can’t show the “centre” button. We’ll think about a way to make it easier to jump back. In the mean time one workaround is to:

  1. tap the search loupe icon left of the up/down control in the header
  2. tap the calendar on the right of the searchfield
  3. select Today

This should reset it as well.

I like very much the new features! How can you set the This Week view? I can see tomorrow, yesterday and so on but not this week… :slight_smile:

You can do this by clicking the search loupe icon, then use the calendar to select This week or any date range you like.

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Thanks! This new feature looks fantastic and makes really a great difference when you are working… :+1: Is there any shortcut to use with the keyboard to act on it?

Good point, there isn’t yet, but would make sense indeed.

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Just recently returned to Agenda so I apologize if I missed a few things. However it seems that we are still not able to easily return to “Today” overview on the iPhone? Is there a gesture or way of doing it?

Thank you in advance for your help. :slight_smile:

Do you mean today in the calendar events? If so, a small circle appears when you scroll away from today, and that circle brings you back.

If you mean something, let us know.

@drewmccormack It’s not in the calendar events but in the Today overview. (Which now you can go to other dates) Please consider putting something there. Thank you!

On the Mac, when I click away, a circle appears which takes me back to Today. I guess it is missing on iOS. Is that what you are seeing?

@drewmccormack Yes indeed it is for iOS