Note Summary View

Ideally, I would like to see an abstract view as well as collapsed titles and full note views. It make sit easier to scan historical notes that are related. Currently, if you have a couple of long notes, you have a lot of scrolling to do. If you don’t have detailed titles, you may not get the full gist of it from scanning collapsed titles. That said, collapsing all titles would be nice.

For context, I imported all of my Evernote notes into Apple Notes and then from Apple Notes into Agenda. So, I started my Agenda journey with a few thousand notes.

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Have you tried the jump bar at the top? Just click on the project name. You get a menu of all the notes.

I think what he means here is that there should be an option for a sort of 2- or 3-line preview of the contents of a note in collapsed view.
Right now, one can only see the title. But, it would be preferred if one could also see the first 2 or 3 lines of the note as well.

See also this topic: