Note selection

I think it would be super helpful to be able to select multiple notes at once to perform bulk actions on them. You could model it after the reminders app. You can tap a reminder with two fingers to select it on iOS, and select more in the same way. It would be nice to do the same with Agenda notes, and edit the dates of all at once, delete them all at once, or move them all to a different project at once. Right now, to delete a collapsed note, I’ve got to expand it, scroll to the bottom, tap the gear, then tap “move to trash”. That’s a lot of work to do on multiple notes. Being able to select multiple notes for these tasks would make Agenda so much faster to use!


Being able to select multiple notes wouldn’t be a bad idea. Making batch date edits, doing a batch deletion of notes, or batch moving notes from one project to another would come in handy if this was implemented.

Note that you can already select multiple notes on iPadOS if you have it in the hovering state (start dragging one note, then add additional notes by tapping another note). It’s fiddly though and you can then only do basic actions like dragging it to another project or to On the Agenda for example. The problem is that there isn’t a trivial UI to make it all very discoverable. We’ll take your feedback on board though and will think about it.

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