"News" or "Updates"

Based on your responses and links shared to other discussions here, it seems you use this community for most of your communications with users, including updates, unless we want to sign up for your email list. It seems you should have a category called “News” or “Updates” where one might go to read the latest.

The homepage of the community has a link to the latest posts. Also, the latest release info can be found in the macOS beta category. In addition important news is also pinned to the top of the forum.

I’m telling you, if I want to see what you’ve shared for news and updates over the last year, how would I do that? I perhaps review software more deeply than many; I look at support, integrity, communications, responsiveness (A+), upgrade pricing (A+), etc., before I want to invest (time, not $) in learning how to use it well. It would be nice to easily see your company communications over a recent period of time.

I appreciate everything so far, and suspect I’ll continue to. My only reservation is the missing features, and the time it seems to take to develop them. But then, you got a Design Award, no doubt because you took your time to get it right.

The only other thing I would add is the need for multi-modal tutorials. Not everyone gravitates toward text for learning. Some folks learn better with pictures, audio words, written words, and/or videos. Videos of course can include audio. I would take each one of your “How To” topics and include pictures and a video link.

Looking great so far.

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