New Emoji

Is it possible to get a new emoji indicating “not drinking”?

We’ll take a look, thanks!

The emoji should now be there in Agenda 16.1

I could not find it. Help Please.

It should show if you type :non-drinking-water:

My mistake - I meant not drinking alcohol. The opposite of all of the beer and wine emojis.

Just to be sure, can you type it here?

I have thought better of this suggestion. I suspect because it is a personal decision to not drink. Any emoji that comes to mind is one where there is a drink🍺with a prohibited🚫overlaying the drink. This would say that drinking is prohibited or that I am against other drinking. This is not the intent. The intent is to say that I have made a choice to not drink - quite different.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. At this point I think we should drop the suggestion.


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