Multiple views on notes?

I wanted to look at the search results for my last week of work and AT THE SAME TIME I wanted to write up a summary overview of the last week. It’d be nice to be able to edit my new summary overview at the same time that I’m looking at the last week of work. In quiver, you can double-click a note and it’ll float on your desktop while you browse other notes. In atom, you can display windows side by side or one under the other. Either of these solutions would be welcome here.
Thanks for considering it.


We have some ideas about how to solve this scenario. Stay tuned!

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was this ever solved??

No, but we are getting close to this project. It involves a biggish piece of functionality. Stay tuned!

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Great! is there already a way to view multiple linked notes from the same event at the same time (from 2 folders within a project)? Based on how the question was written, it sounds like maybe?

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Not yet, this is indeed what this request is about.