Multiple Levels For Project Sidebar

I’m sure this may have been mentioned as an enhancement, but it would be nice if there were multple levels for the project sidebar, not just two (category and project). I can think of many reasons why this is necessary and practical. It’s also a pretty commonplace feature in other note-taking apps like Bear, Apple Notes, Ulysses, Quip, Zoho, etc.


This has been requested more frequently, we’ll take it into consideration.

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A third panel between projects and editor with a list of notes (like Bear) would be very useful. It would be nice to have the visibility of this panel toggle-able as well as to have different options for sorting and filtering (icons at the top of the panel for example). (I’m not really fond of the pop-up note list we have now.)

It’s very unlikely we’ll go for such a setup I’m afraid, we have on purposely opted to prevent a third level of hierarchy.