Multiple Agenda app instances on iPadOS

Given the app’s focus on date-basing its notes, I find that it would come in very handy to be able to scroll down a project, especially one with a long thread, and updating my newer notes in a simultaneous fashion, which is something iPadOS now allows.

Here, I’m linking directly to that specific topic inside Federico Viticci’s mammoth OS review.

What does this entail?

With the tablet on landscape mode, Agenda is open twice, once on each side of split view, in both instances having the same project ready for viewing and editing. Scroll to a previous note on one app instance and remain on a new note on the other app instance. The previous note remains locked for view on one instance regardless of how much the area of the new note grows in size on the other instance as the user keeps on writing and adding carriage returns.

Of course none of this is necessary when the user has Agenda and some other writing app on split view. But, wow would it be cool! Which is a bad argument for bothering a developer with new coding, admittedly.

Thank you, regardless.

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Thanks for the suggestion + link to the review. Yes, this is something we’d like to bring and have already on our agenda as it fits some ideas we have for a future update very well. It does involve some non-trivial issues though, like making sure the data between two windows syncs well, therefore it’s not something that’s simple to add and it can take a while.

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I would like to express support for this feature as well. When researching a topic, I like to “dump” all kinds of information into a note. Then later organize and structure it in a new note. Switching back and forth between notes is cumbersome.

My current setup is having Agenda open on both Mac and iPad (Universal Clipboard works great here), or doing the initial gathering in the Notes app and having it side by side with Agenda.

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Any progress on this or otherwise can I just ask that you keep this on your radar? I’m trying to switch over to Agenda and have paid for the annual subscription but honestly the ability to see a previous note while composing a new one is critical for any notetaking system for me. Recognizing that this might be non trivial this is a critical requirement for me, as suggested in this thread the ideal implementation would be to just support multiple instances. Again, this is critical functionality for me.


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Definitely still high up on our todo list.