Moving a note using a keyboard shortcut

Hi there,

is there change to create shortcut for moving note to project? e.g. things 3 has cmd + shift + m where popups window with project list with searchlike/arrowlike selecting

thank you!

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is there change to create shortcut for moving note to project? e.g. things 3 has cmd + shift + m where popups window with project list with searchlike/arrowlike selecting

Not at the moment, something we’re considering to add indeed.

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Update: Agenda 14 introduces actions, including the \move action that allows you to easily move a project by simply typing the command. See also : Take powerful actions using your notes with Agenda 14

Hello, on iPhone I noticed when using move command the keyboard suggestions says “textaction.suggestions.move”.

Should it say “Suggested move” (or something similar)?

I’ve just fixed it this afternoon indeed, good catch, should be fixed in the next update :smiley:

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