I have an Agenda note as my main to do list, but find reordering to dos vexing in MacOS. Ideally I’d like a keyboard shortcut to move the current line up/down by one, plus an easy drag/drop (e.g. with mouse hovering over the orange ball at the left of the line). Something like what happens in Bear when you cmd-option-up/down arrow.
Currently I have to select the line, cmd-X to cut it - which deselects the to do circle and star - then reposition the cursor, cmd-V to paste it, then add to do circle and star. Six actions when it could be one.
Many thanks for your consideration. Loving the app.
PS I’ve just found if I position the cursor between the to do circle and the text, then drag, it COPIES the line to the new location, but again without to do circle or star. Inconsistent UI and not what I’m after…
I see that shortcuts to move lines up and down have been requested a few times and I believe it’s in the backlog.
In the meantime, I use BetterTouchTool to automate the cut/pasting. I originally created these for Apple Notes, but to my delight, they also work in Agenda. They will move a paragraph block up or down and work for todos and list items.
Attached screenshots if you want to have a go at recreating the shortcuts in BetterTouchTool.
Thanks for the feedback re: moving list items. We certainly want to improve this.
I have tried to reproduce the issue where you say that you get the line duplicated, but don’t see that. Any chance you could describe that more, or perhaps send a little screen capture video showing it?
One way to move the checklist item, whether checked or not: Triple click the item and then drag that selected item where you want it.
Triple-click is very fast. It’s almost like 2 steps for the whole process.
When you drag the item, a little doc icon appears at the mouse pointer. To position the selected item above another checklist item, position the insertion point (which appears left of the little icon) in front of the checkbox circle of the other checklist item and release.
Result: Checklist item is moved whole, including the checkbox/circle, above the other item.
After fiddeling around with this ‘move one line up’ or ‘move one line down’, I was running into troubles because the menu option I took moved the whole pack of lines (note?)
There are some potholes with naming… What is a note? Could be the entry inside, the line where I"m looking onto - when searching for a menu-option, it’s not that easy… I’m also unsure if this is a feature that needs paying (I was a while ‘off’, but payed again, Agenda is really good and I want to support…)
I’m using Agenda for project controlling / to-do’s and every now and then, I need to move one line inside a not up or down. Mostly, I’m on the iPad - there are no keyboard-shortcuts (I’m using the iPad ‘pure’)
So, I would be so much happier, if moving lines would be possible using the mouse or the finger (-:
We will take it on board. It is difficult to add all the shortcuts just with on screen controls and gestures. The UI would become very busy.
The move up/down is for a whole paragraph, not an individual line. It is a line without any return characters in it. Often for a list, this works well, because you move the whole list entry.
Sure, that is where you would have to put it. The question is more if it is common enough to take up space there. On iPhone in particular. But we will think about it. Perhaps better drag and drop of paragraphs would be more useful.