More lag than Agenda v12 on v13

What I did: using iPad smart keyboard doing selection (shift + arrow key)

What happened: lag when moving the cursor between line/words

What I expected: as faster as v12

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): iPadOS 14.4.2 / Agenda 13 / Note with Chinese characters, links no pics, attachment.

I recorded it for your reference, click below link:

Thanks for reporting, we’ll go and have a look what could be going on. You only see the lag with shift + arrow key correct? Or also other combinations?

No, only found it when doing shift + arrow key. Furthermore, seem it often happens when the selection include linked text, not sure if it is the situation. Thanks~

Thanks, that’s very helpful, we’ll dive into it.

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to update, so interesting, it only be lag on iPad but works fine when using Macbook Pro.

Thanks for the follow up, that’s good to know!

Update: this issue should be fixed in the next Agenda (13.1) update


Thanks, cannot wait for the v13.1!!!