What I did:
I exported a note with multiple PDF images into markdown format, using both “Export to” and “Copy as”.
What happened:
The markdown file was created as expected, but all images were missing.
What I expected:
I expected the app to create an “img” folder containing the images and insert links to them using the standard markdown syntax. This way, the export is a bit useless to me as I am not able to get my image files out of the app.
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
I am using the latest version of the app as well as the operating system. It was tested on macOS.
Yes, with a sandboxed app like Agenda, this is actually tricky. We can export a single file, like the markdown with images in a zip file. Alternatively we can make you select a directory, and then export the separate things to that.
We didn’t support images in the beginning, and we didn’t get to update the markdown exporter, which explains why it isn’t there. We will add it to the list.
For now, you would probably have to drag/copy the images out separately. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for your answer. Both options (zipped file or selecting a folder) would be ok for me, but I would prefer having a non-zipped file and thus prefer the latter option.
You could also consider adding an additional export format just like you do it with Rich Text.
I would really like to see this. I am starting to compile longer-form documents from Agenda notes. I almost exclusively use Markdown for writing, and I really like including images in my Agenda notes and my writing. If Agenda could export Markdown and turn my images into  links, and other attachments to [attachment name](media/attachment.pdf) links, then I could organize my notes, export to markdown, and I’ve got my rough draft all ready to go.
What about this issue? Do you still have it on the agenda?
It is really annoying that this Markdown feature is not implemented and costs a lot of time in daily work.
A lot of members want this possibility to export images as Markdown.
Please fix it!
Maybe you can implement it as another option for displaying images and thus include it in the export process.
Another +1 for markdown image. Have been using rich text while waiting for feature to be added and found that share with doesn’t work that well with DEVONthink, such as positioning of images are in wrong place, extra line breaks and occasionally some text are missing. Extra work needed to go through rich text export to DEVONthink
I doubt this will work with a share to DevonThink. As I mentioned, markdown is a text format. It doesn’t actually support images. We can export the images to the same folder as the markdown file, which would work OK for export, but for sharing to another app, I don’t think that would work. The best we could do is make an archive (eg zip or textbundle).
Was referring to having to resort to sharing via rich text though not working 100%. Agree on challenges of markdown sharing, preference is zipped file with attachments in 1 folder as can have DEVONthink link to them. Don’t think DEVONthink implemented Text bundle yet, hopefully soon