Managing People Tag

It would be useful if tags for People were manageable or simply set automatically per Work area/projects, as people don’t necessary cross over active projects (think of different clients, with various teams within each). Currently the list just grows negardless of projects, cluttering the interface along the way and making the selection less usable.
Thank you for listening

Thanks for the feedback. We would like to add management of tags and people in future, and integration with Contacts. Stay tuned!

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I am a bit confused about the person tag and tags in general. It still seems like auto-complete options are missing as well as link to contacts. What would be very helpful with tags would be a page or section where one can manage tags/persons (e.g. remove tags/persons; click on a person/tag to then be taken to an overview that shows all associated notes).

Also, on a related note - I wasn’t able to figure out how to work on notes with other agenda users. Is that possible via sharing? If that’s the case, would be great to highlight this “collaboration feature” on the homepage.

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All of these are what we’re working on at the moment, it should arrive in an update later this year.

At the moment it’s not possible to a “live/real-time” collaboration with others sharing a note, this too is something we hope to allow for in the not too distant future.

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