MacOS UI text glitch

What I did: Nothing (I think!)

What happened: The text of the top note gets overlaid on top of the notebook name. Or sometimes the notebook name text is duplicated and shifted.

What I expected: For the text to display correctly

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):

This happens in Agenda 19 and 20. I think it started after upgrading to MacOS 15 (I’ve just been living with it for a while).

I have seen this too, closing and restarting Agenda fixed it for me. I may have been on an older version though, I got a message about being out of step with my ioS version. I am now upgraded to version 20.0 and not seen it for a while

We are aware that this sometimes happens to some customers, but we aren’t able to make it happen ourselves, which makes it difficult to track down.

If you find a way to trigger this, please let us know.

In the meantime, restarting the app should at least fix it.

I also thought we added a soft return button in the keyboard bar on iPad. You can look in the + menu to see if it is there.

I’ll keep an eye out and see if I can work out what triggers it.

I seemed to trigger this today simply by searching for a tag and then clicking “Filter Notes” in the search dialogue. Although then restarting and doing the same thing again didn’t trigger it…

Right. That’s the problem in a nutshell. It is very sensitive to the exact conditions, which makes it very hard to track down.

If you do find something, let us know.