Limits to Note Size?

What I did: Writing long notes

What happened: A bit of latency, time between typing letters and appearing in the note, especially when working on a long note in iOS.

What I expected: To work as I expect in a word processing program.

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): Agenda 2.3, OS 10.13.6.

Is there a limitation to note size? I worry that the slight latency I experience may mean I am approaching a size limitation.

There is a limit on iOS, yes. It is due to how much can fit in the graphics chip memory, and varies from one device to the next. It is quite big.

The lag you are seeing is unrelated though. That is just the processing of the changes you are making, which can slow things down for big notes. It is something we are definitely planning to improve when we get the chance. For now, a good strategy is just to break the notes up a bit into smaller ones. This also makes things generally more organizable and navigable.



Thank you for the detailed reply. I will do just as you suggest.



Did a search and experiencing exactly this same behavior with long notes. This is a six year old post, so were there improvement in this situation, am I just pushing way too much into one note?

I transitioned from the basic Apple Note app, pretty much just copied and pasted as I went along organizing my projects/categories; the same long note in the Apple Note app didn’t have this latency or stutter behavior?

Is it still just best to split long notes into separate notes?

Thanks so much for any reply, and sorry for reviving a six year old topic :call_me_hand:t2:

The way Apple Notes works is very different to Agenda. Agenda shows a timeline of many notes. When you edit a note, it brings that note fully into the graphics processor.

Apple Notes is a different animal: it only shows a part of the note, the bit on screen, at a time. The rest of the note is not in the graphics memory.

In short, the way Agenda works now, it is best for shorter notes, up to several screens height, but not 10s or 100s of screens high. If you can, best to split the long notes, because then Agenda can choose to unload them.

A change to the app design could work around this problem, but it would be a very major change. It would be good to do someday, but probably won’t happen short term.

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Appreciate you touching this old post with what is happening. I’ll use your recommendation to split notes, I’ll have to get creative, but seems exciting because it’ll allow for better categorization and organizing :call_me_hand:t2::yellow_heart: