I’m currently evaluating Agenda and like it a lot. Except for one thing - I can’t tell if it is being actively supported/enhanced. Much of the content on this community is many years old. Here is one example of a feature I was trying to figure out how to do, collapsible sections:
From that thread it appears to be planned for a year and in progress for ~9 months now.
Yes, the app is still very much in development, some of the topics are years old because we have been consistently developing the app since 2018… Hope this helps!
FYI the feature I was suggesting in the mentioned post is part of Agenda since version 20, which I believe is currently in beta. Agenda is making constant progress
If I may share an observation, take care in evaluating Agenda or any app on forum activity. Generative AI is reducing the need to seek out others for many issues. If they AI has access to good documentation to supplement its built-in knowledge, many users can get instant answers.
Agenda is a great application. I’ve heard nothing that might indicate it is going away any time soon.
When I started looking at Agenda I actually read all of support, feedback, how to, and skimmed most of the rest.
I thought we voted it to evolve and be maintained in perpetuity. Some of us are too busy and to old to “app date”.