iOS Shortcut - Quick Sketch

Run this shortcut to insert a quick sketch into a new note:

Your new note is automatically tagged as a #sketch with date and time as the note title. You can change the project name in the shortcut to whatever you prefer.

This version uses pdf format and seems to address issues reported below:


Nice shortcut, thanks for sharing!

1 Like

This alternate version opens a full screen canvas which is great for handwritten notes. You may have to play with GIF dimensions depending on your device size:

This should work well enough until your team adds true pencil support. Thanks!


I was promoted with an error when I run the script. Any solution to this?

Confused here - how do I run this shortcut? From within Agenda? How?

I have this problem, too. iPad Pro 12.9β€œ (2018), iOS 12.1.3

@marc.boulos do you know what could be causing this error?

I think it’s related to the gif functionality in shortcuts. I noticed this error appears if I spend a long time on a sketch. This new version uses pdf format instead, and seems to eliminate the problem:


Sorry, new to this. How do I run this script? When I run it from homescreen I can make a sketch but when I hit done Agenda opens but nothing happens.