Improve linked event workflow

at the moment, the only way to edit an event is to find it in the calendar widget of the “related notes” sidebar, click on the title, and then select Edit

unfortunately, if you have more than 6 or more events that day, selecting the note will update the calendar widget to show the related day, but it won’t scroll to show the linked event. so you have to mouse over to the widget and scroll until you find the event. this is an annoying thing to have to do every time

it would be cool if the calendar widget would scroll to put the linked note into view every time

similarly, when you click the date and calendar icon in the top right-hand corner of a note, it brings up a calendar menu, with a Calendar Events pane. but the linked event is usually not visible for me, because the calendar is scrolled to the start of the day, not to the position of the linked event. so you have to scroll to find it. and if you have a bunch of events on your calendar, this is an annoyance

additionally, I often find myself wanting to update the linked event for a note. typically because I like to keep my note titles and event titles in sync. so, I have two feature requests :slight_smile:

  1. let me edit the linked event directly from the note. when I click the date in the top right-hand corner, I would like an option to edit the linked event. I realize this menu is predominantly for assigning, reassigning, or unassigning the note to an event. but if the note is assigned, adding a link that takes me through to the event edit menu would be super handy

  2. it would be neat if there was an option for Agenda to keep the note title and event title in sync for me automatically

Thank you for the feedback, a lot of this makes sense, we’ll do our best to see what can be done.

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Update: We believe to have improved this in Agenda 9.3, the calendar should now scroll to the linked event if there is one.