Image quality in PDF-export

I tried to export a note from Agenda to .pdf but the quality of the images in the exported pdf-file was very poor, and the text in the image was unreadable. In the Agenda-file the images look crisp and I have no trouble reading the text. The native Agenda elements in the pdf-export also looks just fine, so this only relates to inserted image files after export.

Thanks for the report, we’ll have a look.

What device was this? Mac or iOS?

It was exported to pdf on MacOS

Example picture (screenshot)
Agenda-note to the left, exported pdf to the right

OK, thank you. We will investigate.

Hi again
Have you had any time to look into this?

Not yet. Will take a look Monday.

Update: This problem was solved in the last update, and the PDF-export now has excellent image quality. Thanks a lot for a superb application and brilliant development model.

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Glad to hear! Thanks for letting us know.

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