I don’t see any facility for inserting hyperlinks or attaching photos? Also can’t use Apple Pencil on my iPad Pro.
You can certainly enter hyperlinks. You can even link to other notes in Agenda (use cog button).
We are working on images and attachments right now. Should not be too long.
We will consider support for pencil after we have support for images, because we need that first.
Hyperlink capability to both external links and to other (Agenda) notes is GREAT!
In addition, you can also use it (until there’s attachment capability and then, along with…) to add hyperlinks to files/folders in Dropbox, My Drive (Google) OneDrive, Box, pCloud, etc. (any cloud/drive that allows linking).
Also, if you use Evernote, Trello … you can add a hyperlink to those notes/cards as well.
++ Apple Pencil
I don’t know what the cog button looks like…
I think I know where to find it!
Maybe if you could direct me to the Help section, especially if it is inside the app. Most everything is intuitive which is greatly appreciated!
Cog button is the one at the bottom of a note when the note is selected. But on iPhone, it is being removed in version 11, and that functionality will move into the main dot menu at the top.
Here is the help on links: Tags, People, Emoji's, Text Actions and Links
Kind regards,