How to stop links being renamed?

What I did:
paste a url, like
TitleOfTheURL Some Description

What happened:
Authentication is needed, the url will be redirected to an authentication server, and the text of the url will be changed automatically.

TitleOfTheAuthServerURL Some Description

What I expected:
Dont automatically fetch and change my url title, I dont need this feature :frowning:

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):

Can you give us some concrete examples of real world links, perhaps we can exclude some patterns automatically from being renamed.

Having said that, there are two solutions in this case. If the link has already changed to Sign in, the workaround is to right-click > Edit Link , then change the display text, or choose Display as Full URL in the inspector.

To prevent that this happens with newly pasted links you can first type a backslash character ( \ ) and then paste the link, this too will keep the link as is.

Sorry that our links cannot be visited from outside of our company, just a regular CAS server redirection. But itā€™s odd that google docā€™s link wonā€™t be auto renamed with 'Google Drive: Sign-inā€™ without signed in.

I wonder if there can be a switch to turn this feature off in Agendarā€™s Preferences panel.

The right-click > Edit Link way is driving me crazyā€¦

Thatā€™s indeed because we recognise the pattern for some sites already, having concrete examples of links where renaming is unwanted helps us recognise more of them. Having said that, Iā€™ve now added a more generic recognition of sign in and log in pages, which hopefully makes things a lot more reliable however. It should become part of the final 14.1 update, due out soon.

An HTTP code 30x should mean: Donā€™t change my link text, I guess.
Looking forward 14.1 any way, thanks for your quick reply. @mekentosj

Maybe a better UX would be to have a preference that lets you set whether or not to convert URLs? Iā€™m in a similar situation, and I prefer leaving my links as full URLs.

Weā€™ll think of something, thanks for the feedback.

This did get fixed, BUT now itā€™s broken/gone again? Up until yesterday I was using the standalone installed Agenda and it worked just fine, but got prompted via pop-up to download the version from the App Storeā€” did that. Now all the URLs donā€™t paste in as URLs, and I canā€™t find an option to make it stop doing this. What am I missing???

A preferences option, that is. Yes, I can right click and edit, but thatā€™s going to get old real fastā€¦

One way to stop the link being transformed is to type a backslash, and then paste the link. That stops it being changed.

Thank you! Thatā€™s a nice trick!
Stll, seriously a feature requestā€¦ this should be an app preference settingā€¦

Not sure a preference is the right answer. The problem is, it depends per link what you want to do. It is not that one user wants always to paste the full link, and another always with the title. A single user may want to mix these. So a preference would only help the few people who, for example, always want the one or the other.

In any case, appreciate the feedback!

Sorry, just saw this reply! Yes, good point. Could this be solved by making the preference choices look something like this:
ā€” Always paste in URL as URL
ā€” Always transform the URL
ā€” Ask me every time I paste in a URL
What do you think?
Thank you!

We have some ideas about how we could do it in a way consistent with the existing text formatting controls. Stay tuned!

Cool. You all continue to do such great work! Thank you.

Help me out here. I really donā€™t get the reason for transforming the links in the first place, links can be named. If one wants to display the link itself that option is available in the link editor. For those that want the shortened version just add a ā€œshortened or transformedā€ or whatever selection to run the routine in the link editor.

Itā€™s simple, for most people thereā€™s no need to keep if it can be **

Also, most people donā€™t care about having links show up like if it could just be Google Image search for ā€œdkā€

And most people prefer Dinossauros - O Regresso dos Gigantes ao PavilhĆ£o do Conhecimento over
etc etc

**) and mind you, in all cases the complete original URL is always kept by Agenda

:upside_down_face:, Some times I feel like one :sauropod:. I get itā€¦sort of. Different CSS templates are being used?