Is it possible to highlight with color some categories on “overviews” on the left bar please? To make some of the categories stick out very well? Must say I use Agenda for everything and it is starting to pile up a bit!..
I didn’t know I could do that! Let me try it for the category name, that is where there are lots of informations and don’t seem to see anything.
But maybe I don’t use Agenda correctly, also possible…
Thanks for the tip!
I wish that we could apply color/highlighting to Projects. In long agenda lists, the projects often seem to blend in with the background because their text doesnt scale and they are by default in a thin font, and also greyed. The ribbon/emojis help, but it always feels a bit messy.
For folks who like to organize by project, this would be a really simple, but also flexible way to make those higher-levels more easy to read. It feels backwards right now with the children of a folder feeling more accentuated than the parent.
Thanks for the feedback! We’ll certainly take it along for future consideration.
Often Apple use this same approach. Take a look at Finder, for example. In fact, this approach is built in to the system: the section names are smaller and grayed out, and the folders and sidebar items bigger.
The idea is that the content is most important, ie, the notes. We try to put the focus on those, and the project names etc are a guide. Making everything big or bold could make the UI more complex to distinguish, and distract from the content you are working with.
I can see what your refering to within finder. I’d point out in Finder that these headings are not used for Parent>Children relationships. They are used for dates, kinds etc. I think this is more intuitive, because you already know the content you are looking at. (Like I am in a folder for a project, and want to find a pdf. Or I am in recents and want to find something I editted in the last week… etc) If I perform a search, I cannot group the results by “folder.” Know what I mean?
That’s maybe where it feels less intuitive that Agenda uses this. Agenda is collecting content from across projects constantly. I think it would help to have that context of the “parent” a bit more visually present. I think it would make context more readable system wide. I think of “Things” app. Pulling ‘todos’ across multiple areas/folders of life. Their UI does what I am alluding to really cleanly… parents are bolder, children are less. It doesnt make the content less important, just easier to find!
A much simpler thing to integrate might be the option to hide the “Category” in list views. (Things also does this. Hides the “area”.)
This would Pronounce the project title much more, and would allow things like emojis that users use for quick identification to be closer to the left alignment for easier eye movement.