Hide projects and calendar

is there a way (or possibility for future update) to hide both sides (projects and calendar) to grow the project tasks?

Regards from Beta Tester,


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This is already possible, isnt it? :thinking:

Hi Andy,

I might be missing what you would like to see exactly, could you describe it in more detail or create a sketch or annotated screenshot if that helps?

for sure, see enclosed. I think now it´s clear?



+1, on the iPad UI it would be better to get full width when the sider be hidden. It works well on MacOS version but not on iPad!!

There are two reasons for this choice of width.

First, in general text doesn’t become very readable if you make it too wide, yes, you can fit more text on screen and in a note, but it becomes a lot harder to read. That’s why even on Mac and much larger screens, e.g. in fullscreen mode, we do the same.

Second, the width is on purposely chosen to allow both the left and right sidebar to be visible at these sizes without having to resize the width of the notes, which would a) be expensive to calculate and hence quite choppy, b) visually very disturbing when opening/closing the sidebar.