Hide Panels Button (ala XCode);Restore Default Layout menu/keyboard shortcut

A couple of interface management requests - the focus view and pop out view are great, now need a few more to manage my views:

  1. Hide/Show Panels buttons - I use these very frequently, a button for each panel and for all panels would be a nice to have.
  2. Restore Default - when resizing, not sure if I have ever returned the view to the default sizes for panels and editor. Nice to have a menu option to do that (unless I missed it).

Thanks guys, great work as always - still subscribed :wink:

Thanks for the feedback! We’ll take it along.

One question: Have you noticed there are buttons on the side panels, half way down. They look like grips. You can use them as grips, but they also work as buttons.

Note also that you can use a two finger swipe left or right to open and close the side panels, in case that is useful.

For panels, thank you! For some reason only thought to drag using those and felt like I have random widths every time (at least my OCD version of it), thus the “default view” shortcut request paired with it.

iOS/iPadOS works perfectly, the preset size is a +.

MacOS - Projects has the drag/button, Related Items does not on my side - is that expected? That is different than iPad, both side panels have the drag button.

The drag button should be there on all platforms. Sometimes it hides. A small scroll upwards will reveal it, I believe.

There is a cursor on both sides, but only Projects has the button. I can click on that and it closes, no button on the Related panel.

Copying a screencast, if that helps.

As annoying as the video is that tried to log me on, I am seeing on my Mac the same right side panel handles missing as well as the scroll bar which shouldn’t be there. There are also some ghost images on the left side of the notes panel.

I think this is related to a setting in the Settings app to have scroll views shown at all times. We have it setup so that the handles appear when the scrollers go away, but for you they are not.

We can try to take a look at this. If you didn’t deliberately turn on that setting, perhaps consider turning it off.


OT: Is the screencast link prompting a login? I use Snagit/Camtasia for beta/dev testing and it should not prompt for a login.

You should see this screen, and just be able to hit play. There is a login button, but it is not required to play (or at least it was not prior). Please let me know as I use this for other products.

You’re correct. Automatically show scroll bar was the fault.

I can confirm, I have always show scrollbars checked. I changed to “When scrolling” and the handle button now is visible.

Thanks for the follow up.