Have a better calendar overview

The current calendar list is not a very clear overview.
Since agenda is supposed to be a „notes meets calendar“ app - as it is marketed with - it very much lacks in the overview of a calendar.
I understand that it’s not supposed to replace a calendar app. But given that it’s supposed to work in tandem it should at least improve that aspect of the app as much as it can.

A weekly overview would be my personal favourite, as it is very clear and simple. Also it’s the most common type of overviews in physical agendas.

Another option would be to work more on the current calendar view like having more formatting options. For once making the dates bigger and clearer. Also making an indicator where in the calendar we’re right now (like we’ve often got in other calendar apps as a red line or something like that). That “red line” could always be between multiple events, if before any events at the start or if after any events or at days with no events at the end of the day or - when an event is active right now - highlighting the event(s) that is active at that moment. That way we can always see where we are right at the moment, no matter if there are any events today.


Appreciate the feedback! Very useful.

We’ll take this along in our planning. Thanks!