For an “event” driven notes app like Agenda, getting handwritten notes attached to a meeting is beyond “nice to have”. Often times I’m in a meeting and just need to jot some quick notes. The kludgey process of Agenda forces me to use an app like Noteshelf for writing and then later having to get it into Agenda. I could just make meeting folders in Noteshelf and not bother with Agenda.
I’m a bit confused on what Agenda is. Notes? Calendar/meetings? To do? Reminders? It seems to be a bit of all of these but the UI is not serving it well. Pencil goes hand in hand with notes, which goes with meetings, etc.
I paid for the Agenda lifetime license–so hoping someone will have some outside the box thinking one day. Just my 2 cents.
PS: Seems you’ve been considering thinking about it for a few years now. Improved Apple Pencil support - #3 by drewmccormack
Maybe this could be as simple as adding a button to immediately add a drawing. That button could go to the bottom bar where the new window and gear icons/buttons are today. This 3rd button would be so easy to just start writing a note. Have a developer go thru the steps of creating a new agenda and start a drawing—that a lot of steps when you’ve got pencil in hand and want to just start writing. Then, add that 3rd button—no more kludgy steps. Just tap a button (with pencil, eg) and start writing.