Hi! First, great job on the app guys, it’s really great!
Now that you support attachments, is handwriting with Apple Pencil a possibile future feature?
If yes, could you also add the ability to draw straight lines? As an economics student, I need to draw a lot of Cartesian planes, so that would be essential to have.
Have a nice day!
We certainly want to do that in the not too distant future. And thanks for the feedback re: lines. May not make the first cut, but is an interesting idea.
See also:
if you are looking for text recognition and are using an iPad, I can strongly recommend the keyboard Mazec it will allow you to have handwriting recognition (and with math symbols) in ALL of your apps, including Agenda.
Thank you for the recommendation. I just downloaded Mazec and its well worth the price. I’ve tried other handwriting recognition keyboards and none mesaure up to Mazec. Thanks again.
Just want to add my two-cents for asking for Handwriting support. This is such a vital need for me. I would like very much to make Agenda my go to app but I still need to keep using Notability because of the way Notability support handwriting.
We plan to add support for drawing/writing quite soon, but it will not include handwriting recognition (ie conversion to text), which is very difficult to do (or expensive).
I discovered mazec a week ago and love it. It works for me and exactly what I wanted with handwriting. I am suggesting it everywhere I can.
Sounds good indeed. Our support will be useful for drawing and writing where you want to preserve it as handwriting. If the goal is just to generate text in a comfortable way, Mazec is probably the way to go.
What iDevice are you using it with?
Maybe its usefull to read this: iPad Pro pencil - #111 by cs11 where the use of an App is introduced, App called Selvy PenScript for handwriting recognition.
I am using it with my iPad Pro 10.5
well, I easily, double for the handwriting support . and for the temporary solution I use the SelVy penscript keyboard. and would like to say that it’s amazing and works well Both with english and russian although I write really bad. Anyways would love to see native option for hand writing . convention to text is probably mandatory tho. thank you for the amazing work .
p.s. this text was written by hand using the aforementioned keyboard.
Since iPadOS 14, there may be finally text recognizition from Apple.
Yep. Good news. We will aim to support this in iOS 14.
Yes, it’s a big step in advance for Agenda, but I still prefer handwriting notes without OCR
I’ve since had more time to investigate what Apple will give us, and it is not quite as nice as we first thought.
Apple are adding something called scribble. This should allow you to write on one of our notes directly, and have the text get entered as typed text. We plan to support this.
We had also hoped we could take the handwriting from a drawing and turn that into text too. But apparently Apple are only including that in their own app (Notes) for now. We won’t be able to utilize that feature. My guess would be that it becomes available next year, but that is just a guess.
I am using agenda with ipados14 beta 4 and it works quite nicely. Scribble works as intended. That is, you handwrite directly in your note in edit mode and the handwriting is converted automatically as typed text.
The lack of gestures for newline makes the experience a bit painful and correcting typos, punctuations and letter case (lower vs upper) is a bit frustrating.
Have you guys looked at integrating myscript interactive ink into agenda? It can be a premium feature to cover licensing.
I just started to use Agenda today and it is polished and well thought application. Very good job guys.
Since I am new, I started with a new project and one single note using Apple Scribble. With a single note, it is impossible to scroll the page and keep it at a comfortable writing position on the screen. Ideally in the middle.
When you scroll the page up or down, the spring animation forces the note to go back at the top. The issue is if writing a long note, having to keep writing at the bottom of page with the pencil is not ideal. If you scroll up to bring the bottom of the page to around the middle of the page then after releasing the finger it goes down at the bottom again.
It would be nice if we are allowed to scroll the page up/down to the middle before the spring mechanism kicks in. It is true that the problem only applies to the first and last notes of a project. But since I am playing with the ipados 14 beta I just wanted to give early feedbacks.
I love the infinite canvas of the sketching. Out of the box the pencil kit supports selecting recognized shape/handwriting and they can be moved around.
It would be nice if you can add grid/rulers on the canvas.
Thanks for the feedback. We are only starting to look at our Scribble integration now. We will consider whether it makes sense to be able to scroll notes up further.
Kind regards,