Great idea, but still full of potential for optimisation

I use DayOneClassic since 2012 and Quiver since it is available to collect notes in my projects.

Then my son managed Agenda. The concept is nice and for my needs it has the potential to replace DayOne and probably quiver, if inline Latex would be supported in the future.

So i tried to import my exported diary from DayOneClassic:

  • Agenda crashed after a minute.
  • In the next attempt the diary was split, exported tags from DayOne were prepended by a hashtag.
  • It worked, but with every year agenda becomes slower, sometimes it didn’t respond.

After the entries from 2012 to 2015 have been imported, i tried to assign dates to the notes, which is not feasible, if one has to click from March 2019 to May 2012 ;-).

Here an ‚abbreviation‘ like the hashtag for tags would be very helpful. May be, there is one, but I didn’t find it in the documentation.

I’m looking forward for the next release.


You’ll be happy to hear we are working on some performance improvements right now. Stay tuned.