Format reminders more like checklists and/or combine the two

I find the current Reminders integration confusing. Having to click on the little icon to see the details or check it off in a separate view feels unintuitive and overly complex. I’m curious if there are reasons that you don’t just show it like a normal checklist item (maybe with the little bell icon on the right) so that the title is shown inline and I can check it off much more easily. And allow easy conversion between a checklist item into a reminder.

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If we would do what you suggest it means you could only use reminders as a checklist item, which a limitation we didn’t want to impose.

Curious, when are reminders useful not as checklist items? I mean in the Reminders app, that’s literally what they are, so I’m having trouble of thinking why being able to check them off when referenced in Agenda wouldn’t be the primary use case.