Folding Notes

Hi Agenda Team!

Amazing ongoing work.

One thing I have been thinking might be nice is the ability to fold notes, maybe via headings? By this I mean that one could collapse or expand content in order to control what is disclosed/shown at a given time.

Maybe not a super requested thing, but thought I’d throw this out there.




You can collapse an entire note (macOS) by selecting the note, double-clicking the area in the center of the top of a note.

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I was thinking more along the lines of folding a note’s content.

By way of example, I frequently take meeting minutes, and would love to be able to fold text with optional disclosure in “sections” that I write (such as Attendees, Agenda, each topic, Parking Lot, etc.).

Just a way of enhancing how I engage with my content.



Interesting idea. I have thought about this once or twice myself. Falls a bit in the field of summarizing a note (eg showing only check list items). This is something we are definitely looking at adding.


Folding is common in many outliner software apps.


Neat! Some of my notes are rather long, open to any ways that make them a bit more consumable/scannable.



i am missing it too

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Yes - when I turned to Agenda from OmniOutliner as my main outlining program, this is the feature that I miss the most. The structure of the note is note is not as firm in this app…


Agenda is a free form note taker, and omnioutliner is an outliner, so there are differences in approach.

You can already get a lot of structure just using nesting. Agenda does support that. You can’t collapse sections, but you can nest to give a bit more structure to lists etc.

Can you expand on what you mean by that?

You can indent text using tab and shift-tab. You can do that for lists, to create sublists, but you can also do it for standard paragraphs and headings etc. That means you can use that indentation a bit like an outliner. You can’t collapse the text, but you can give it hierarchy.

Here is an example from my notes.

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Okay, duh - now I feel stupid. I was thinking there was someway to combine the nesting with collapsing that I was missing. You were surprisingly helpful and quick to answer my question when you could have just said … “Have you met your tab key!?” :slight_smile:


It’s not being developed anymore, but FoldingText was a great example of something in between free form note taking and outlining. Could serve as an inspiration.


Sublime Text is quite good at folding text based on indentation. I find it incredibly powerful. It’s really for coding but can be wrangled into a lot of uses.


This would be huge. This feature is very important to me! I am used to it in many other apps. When I use to use Roam research I became very accustomed to it. It’s really helpful for organizing notes. I love Agenda. This feature would really be a game changer.

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We are looking into these types of features.

Remember though, that Agenda is different to all other note takers I have seen, in that notes appear in a single list. You can get a lot of the same effect of folding text by collapsing notes, depending on the granularity of your notes. (Double tap the the top of the note to collapse)

About collapsing notes I have a request to submit. When I want to take off from "On the Agenda” a note completed but still there, I have to open the note and click "Remove from Agenda”. I cannot do this operation when the note is collapsed. So, the note opened and removed disappears from On the Agenda when it is still open. In case I want to close it, I have to go to the project to do that.
Wouldn’t be possible to remove the note from Agenda when it is collpased? In this way, I can do all the operation in one step instead of two. Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I have this sometimes myself. We’ll think about it.


I’m in love with Sublime Text 3. I have that installed on the laptop I use to play FS 19 on. I have this program set to default viewer when opening, editing, & viewing .xml’s, .i3d’s, and even .lua scripts! Sublime Text 3 has other uses to, but I like it for my supposed Notepad viewer. Don’t have Notepad ++, but Sublime Text 3 functions very similar to it.

Funny this should come back up. I just stumbled across a really nice little outlining app for the Mac: Bike Outliner: Outline writing, lists, and notes app for Mac

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