Foldable Outlines

I greatly desire this functionality, and would be overjoyed to repurchase Agenda premium for this feature alone! It’s time consuming to scroll past a long series of article highlights, and secondly, when a note is open of a modest size, I can view previous timeline notes, but with an overlarge section in a note, I lose that visibility. Thanks!

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Plus 1 for foldable content within notes.
Workflowy is the best UI I have seen for this functionality. It’s execllent. If you could do somehting similar I’d be keen to switch to Agenda.

Bumping this up with my vote for this feature too. It would be great to have an “outliner” mode to switch back and forth between outliner and long-form notetaking within a note. The Bike app (similar to Workflowy) is something I’m trying out lately.

+1 on that too, it could fold by pressing the mouse button on it with cmd or ctrl. When using iphone, ipad, by long pressing

Thanks! Certainly on our roadmap. To some extent I think you can use collapsing notes, but it would be nice to have.

We also plan to add filters that, eg, only show checklist items, or incomplete checklist items etc. This is a type of “folding” which may also help. It’s like a dynamic summary of the notes, hiding some parts.


The collapsing notes works well. We would love an option within each note to collapse heading 1, heading 2, etc. Basically, collapsing any indented notes to the level above it.


Thanks, understood. We’ll see what we can do.