Export all notes at once

What I did: Tried to export all notes as Rich Text in Markdown

What happened: Exported only in the project that was open.

What I expected: Export all notes from all projects in separate files, respecting the hierarchy of projects in sub folders

Are you on macOS or iOS/iPadOS?


Have you used the export scope options in this dialog?

I have hundreds of projects. I would like to export them all.

On the Mac you can shift select them in the sidebar on the left and choose File > Export As, then use the above setting

Questions -

  1. Could these setting be accessed when exporting on iPad/iPhone?
  2. In the project/category/whole agenda export, is there a way such that links to related notes are [[wikilinks]] relative to the other notes rather than a link to the agenda note?
  3. Once a project is exported as textbundle, I was not able to import textbundle into Obsidian - could you please guide on how to do that? Ot should I just use markdown export for such use cases? What happens to the embedded images in such a case?

Best regards,

  1. Could these setting be accessed when exporting on iPad/iPhone?

At the moment this isn’t possible on iPad/iPhone. One solution would be to use the new Shortcuts that ship with Agenda 15, it would allow you to build an export workflow I guess.

  1. In the project/category/whole agenda export, is there a way such that links to related notes are [[wikilinks]] relative to the other notes rather than a link to the agenda note?

Not at the moment. The problem is that there is no “standard” as to how these links should work, taking into account a folder hierarchy etc.

  1. Once a project is exported as textbundle, I was not able to import textbundle into Obsidian - could you please guide on how to do that? Ot should I just use markdown export for such use cases? What happens to the embedded images in such a case?

Textbundle is a standard format that also includes the images. Does Obsidian not support it?

I was disappointed with the export.

I don’t quite understand how it works, but Noteplan files open perfectly in Obsidian.

Subfolders of the subprojects hierarchy are not created either, everything is in the root directory.

My expectation was that the export would make the files usable, but the links are internal to “Agenda”.

In summary, I think that before using the calendar as the default note editor, it’s important to think about it. In case of software change, all references will be lost.

As said, as far as I’m aware there is no standard as to how links should function and what kind of hierarchies are expected when moving between notes. I’m gladly pointed out to be wrong though by a reference to some documentation or examples.

If you export one or more projects you can choose to have each file be exported in a subfolder:

You can even select the current category:

If you choose the Each Note in a Separate File option, this is what you’ll get:

First, hats off for the “export scope” option, though having it as “Save as” buried within the Export menu selection is a bit confusing. (It might actually be nice to have a “Save as” option under the File menu.

But here’s my question: is it possible, or are there plans to make it possible, to select the nature of “Save to one markdown file” option? I really like this option for exporting projects once they are either done or they need to move into the next phase. However, the current output is not optimal:

  • The project itself should be the H1 and the notes should all be H2. This is solvable on my end.
  • The same goes for the export having 3 returns between between paragraphs instead of 1 – I get that this might be a function of me havng an extra return, and if Agenda were to make spacing between paragraphs an appearance option, I wouldn’t have to do that. (That is, I’m happy for the internal markdown to be nonstandard and then export to standard.)
  • Finally, it’s not clear to me why some headings have -- UGLY DATE attached and some do not. Is this because those are notes which I have assigned dates? Is it possible to assign a date without having this appended to the exported heading? Are we ever going to be able to choose our date format and not have to live with the most unintuitive date format ever invented?

So many questions!

More configurable export options are definitely on our list, but I have to warn at the same time that things like a revamped search is quite a bit higher on that list. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!