Expanding notes

I am trying to build a Shortcut that selects and opens a note, but the note is only selected not expanded. Would anyone know what I need to do to get my notes to expand automatically?

You can use the ā€œAppend to Noteā€ Action for this purpose. You donā€™t actually need to use it to append text to a note; you can also modify the Status, Date, and expand or collapse the note. Simply uncheck the ā€œCollapsedā€ box, and the selected note will be expanded when you open it.

OK. I see now. I donā€™t need to actually append any text to the note, but just run the Action without checking the ā€˜Collapsedā€™ box. - Many thanks.

Note that in Agenda 19.2 we will introduce an Edit Note shortcut that will allow you to also control the same properties, including expand/collapse, which will make it a bit easier to discover.