Emoji in Project titles

What I did: renamed a project to have an emoji in it

What happened: project and the notes in it disappeared

What I expected: to just be able to have meaningful emoji next to a title

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): latest release IOS IPAD Pro 12”

Hi Steve, I have seen people use emoji’s before, what specific emoji did you use?

:family_man_woman_boy: but I tested and it seems to be anyone. Blew away associated data too :angry:

I confirm that is possible to use emoji both on the title of the project and the note.

Yes, it works for me, too

I’m wondering if this was some unfortunate coincidence. Perhaps a crash of some sort, that made it seem like it was related to emoji in the title. It should certainly work.

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Has happened on both iOS iPad and also on the desktop client. Now agenda won’t start on iPad. Got it working on one category then tried another and boom crash lost whom category - search note and data still there but I can’t see it in the note list.

Hi Steve,
Is there any chance that the notes are still there, but the search field or search date is somehow hiding them? I know a few cases where it seems the notes have gone, but they are just being filtered offscreen by a rogue search.