Need the ability to embed multimedia
Can you explain a bit more?
Note that you can currently add file attachments, including images, in notes. Just drag them in, or use the + menu on iOS to add a file attachment or image.
If you meant something else, please elaborate on what exactly you would like.
Kind regards,
I was wondering if there was a possibility to embed a form such as Google form or a Iframe?
We don’t have any forms in the app, and you can’t embed web forms.
If you have an app that can make a form and save it as a file, you could attach the file in Agenda, and open it from Agenda.
Agenda does have tables, which may work OK for very simple forms.
Agenda also has templates, which allows you to make reusable notes and note sections. This can be useful for form-like things, though the layout would still be quite manual.