Due dates for Projects

I love everything about Agenda. It really is the first task management oriented notes app I can get behind. One thing I would love to see added is a due date option for project categories.

I work on a database website that sells subscriptions, so I tend to give my projects a category that is really just the name of the entire “project” and my projects then become subject/idea areas for my projects. So I end up using the projects within each category more like “subject/idea areas” that I am working on.

So here’s a breakdown:

  • My Project (what Agenda calls a ‘Project Category’)
    - My project’s subject/idea area (what Agenda calls a ‘Project’)
    - My second subject area
    - My third subject area
    - etc
  • My Second Project
    - Second Project’s first subject/idea area
    - etc
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Great to hear you like the app so much! The idea of a due date for a project makes a lot of sense in your setup, but it’s almost more like you want to have some kind of metadata for your project. What about instead you could pin a topic at the top of the project with this kind of metadata (when the project is due but perhaps also other generic data), would that help?