Drag and Drop list items in and between lists

Coming from Notion where it’s easy to move list items around in a list and over to other lists. I find this essential for moving task items (checkbox) between lists for, say, now, soon, bubbling, done. Notion does this by attaching fade-up handles on list items or inded lists which select the list item and let you move them around.

Notion also makes this easy because you can have several lists - or even other content items - in a horizontal row in a page. Lists, mine at least, don’t often take up a full not width, it’s a good use of space.

You might also need to think about how you’d drag items into notes in other categories of projects


Thanks! Dragging of list items is certainly on the roadmap.



Just to emphasise, dragging to other lists in other projects is quite important to me. I spend most of the day dumping things into an inbox list, organising them into other lists later when I’ve time. I can see in Agenda those lists being all over the place, not always so easy to access from any given list

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Is this feature a priority at this stage? I’d love a smoother way to reorder my lists.

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It’s in the roadmap. We have a lot of “priorities”, I’m afraid. Everyone has their favorite one. But it is something we certainly want to improve.


Of course. Just curious to know if it is still in the mix.

+1 here too !

Thanks :slight_smile:

Any idea when as this comment 18 months ago?



No, can’t say when yet. It’s definitely in the roadmap, but the list is quite long…

Ditto - I think being able to drag within items would help make Agenda more intuitive for daily tasks, planning on the go, etc.

Thanks for the feedback! Agree.

+1 to this item too.

It would be too easy to re-order a list by dragging the little circles for the pop-up formatting menu.

Thanks for the feedback! Agree it would be a nice feature. Certainly in our roadmap.

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Any updates here? It would help me a lot to manage (and complete) my to do lists if I’m able to drag and drop them around based on my priorities.

No update yet I’m afraid, still on our wish list

Bump, nudge :slight_smile:


Another year later… I’d love to see this feature!

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, we would too. It is certainly on our roadmap. We are trying to find a place to fit it in.

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Another vote for this feature. Thanks.

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