Drafts App?

I can’t help but notice some similarities between DRAFTS and AGENDA. Or is it just me? Are these similar apps?

I think you will find some overlap between Agenda and just about every other note taking app, but the overlap will probably be different in each case.

Drafts has a more minimalistic approach, similar to bear and iawriter. One thing that Agenda and Drafts have are built in commands. You can do things with what we call “actions”, from formatting, to changing dates etc.

This is similar between the apps, but otherwise they are quite different. Agenda emphasizes a project timeline of notes, and more integration with calendar and reminders. Drafts is more a markdown editor (I think!), emphasizing simple note taking. Both good apps, but different.


Drafts also emphasizes interaction with other apps, so for instance you can write a text in Drafts and send it to email, a blog, social media, etc.

Re minimalism: I’ve used Drafts for years, almost every day, and find it indispensable. Oddly enough, though, I still find the interface complicated and fiddly when using tools I don’t use every day; in that case I’m often selecting the wrong menu or command, and have to backtrack.

Much of the app’s power is in plug-ins and customization. Any user who spends much time in Drafts will soon have a highly personalized interface. I find it very congenial for capturing ideas or short texts for reference.

Glad to see that there is a Drafts Action for sending a note in Drafts to an Agenda project. I just added it to my Drafts.