It would be useful to have a “Done tasks” section in each Note, differenciating them from the ones that still pending.
Please let me know if the feature exists but I didn’t figure out how to use it.
It would be useful to have a “Done tasks” section in each Note, differenciating them from the ones that still pending.
Please let me know if the feature exists but I didn’t figure out how to use it.
You can mark a note as “Done” by long tapping/clicking on the yellow button. But at this point, it just appears as a check mark, and doesn’t do much else. We are considering how we could use it in future.
Another option would be to add a Pin to Bottom, which may achieve a similar goal.
Is there already “Pin to Bottom” or is it something you have under consideration? … I use “Pin to Top” frequently!)
If it is available now, where would I find it?
Pin to the Bottom isn’t there yet, we are thinking of adding it.
Yes a « status » field for each note (=action) would be necessary with a few status like ToDo / OnGoing / Pending / Done.
Then, all notes set with the status Done would appear in the bottom of the project as a section you can collapse or open. Here a « screen shot » modified I would love to have (Green arrows to show the status management).
I also added the separator lines between each notes I would like to have… (Red arrows)
Thank you to think about it !
I think this is getting a bit too complex and specific for Agenda. There may be specialized tools out there that work better for this purpose.
I think you could go a long way just putting a tag on the first line of the notes (eg ToDo etc).
The picture really helps to illustrate your ideas, really nice, thank you!
To continue on what @drewmccormack says, we have indeed decided quite early on is that we don’t want to turn Agenda into a full blown, omnifocus type, task manager, this probably goes a bit too far in that direction. Instead we’d like to give you the building blocks to build such workflows yourself, for example, you could start each note with a tag that represents the status. This is an area where we do think we can go further than today, for example by introducing more powerful tag management, coloured tags perhaps, but also more powerful display and overview options, etc.
OK I understand your point. I really appreciate the simplicity and efficiency of Agenda (but why such a name if you don’t want to manage status ??? ), and I like a lot the dual sync with my iCalendar
. So I will stay with Agenda. But let’s see if I can influence you a little (sorry
The different status can be managed through the tags. You’re right.
But more important than these status would be an automatic action on the note as soon as you set a status.
I don’t talk about an action for each status, but I think a status like Done would really need such a specific action. Moving the notes (manually) to a dedicated project is not very nice. I created a « z. Terminées » project in each of my categories (not very happy with that) where I move manually my notes Done (z to have it at the end of the list…). Unfortunately all the notes Done will be mixed in this « z. Terminées » project as I don’t want to create one « z. Terminées » per project.
Could we imagine one standard Tag (Done or any name chosen by the user) with the effect to move automatically the note in a « section » apart (but within the project) as illustrated in my first screen shot ?
Of course, if you change back the status, the note moves back from this apart section to the normal list…
I understand it is a big change but maybe requested by other Agenda’s users…
PS - By the way, a big “thank you” for your quick answers !
I appreciate the follow up, and it’s not that we don’t have a lot of ideas along the lines you’re presenting, in fact I think you’ll like a lot what’s cooking for later this year. All I was trying to say is that we try hard to not turn the note taking itself in a much more structured form like additional status toggles/pickers in the note header, or formal lists/outline that have to created using menu commands etc instead of the more freeform typing that we chose.
Thank you, I understand.
But I still think a (even simple) « done » task management would be welcome …
Looking forward to see what’s coming up (soon ?) in Agenda