'Done’ Notes, and moving from #due to #done

I know Agenda is not aiming to be a GTD task manager, but basic task management is important, and what can make Agenda really useful as a note system.

Marking notes as Done, is a great feature. In my mind it means that Note is over and done with, I may want to refer to it in future to check some details, or as part of a paper trail. So it’s a little annoying that Done notes still show when I search on #due - if the note includes such tags of course.

Of course I could go through each Done note and edit them to remove the #due tags. Probably good practice, but life’s too short! It would be easier if there was a simple way to change notes from #due to #done - and indeed #cancelled or #NoLongerRelevant (must be a better word, just can’t think of it).

The gold plated version would be for ticking a checklist item to change the tag from #due to #done as well!

A post was merged into an existing topic: What to do with ‘Done’ notes?