Dictating into Agenda on iPhone - note doesn’t scroll

What I did: dictated into a note on my iPhone

What happened: when I started I could see the text being typed. But when the screen was full, I couldn’t see the addtional text. When I clicked on the screen the ‘keyboard’ dropped away and I could see the text I had been dictating.

What I expected: The note to scroll up so that I could always see the text I am dictating.

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):

latest appstore Agenda, iOS 11.4.1, iphone 5.

Sounds like a bug. Will note it down. Thanks!

Hmm, I just tested this myself, and it did scroll automatically. Do you have the latest version? Does the issue happen every time, or was it a once off?

Just tried again. It’s still happening. I using V2.1.3.

I’ve just tried on my iPad, same issue.

Incidentally, I would have expected ‘new paragraph’ to move the cursor from the title to the text, but I have to tap to do that.

So this issue happens for you in every note? Also with projects with few/many notes?

Can you see if it is a particular set of circumstances? Eg. Many notes vs few. Large note vs small.

I’ve only tried using dictation recently, and it’s happened every time, so I’ve given up for now! Can’t remember the first few notes, but when I was testing they were new notes in a project with perhaps 3 other notes.

I have an iPhone XR, And this happens to me on every note. One line is displayed, and then you lose sight of what is being typed. It is there though, as when I stop dictation the note appears in full.

iOS 12.2
Agenda 5.2

I just tried taking a note in landscape mode, and the text stays visible in its window. But, the that window above the keyboard bounces up and down on each word dictated. Which is slightly more than annoying…

So the issue is that it doesn’t scroll as you dictate? It works fine for typing, I assume.

Will investigate.

Yes, typing works OK. Just dictating causes problems.